From Headspace to Calm, digital apps become meditation gurus

Meenakshi Iyer
2 Min Read

Millions of people are going through stressful times amid daily chaos of long working hours, worsening commute, deadly air pollution and several health scares post-pandemic — searching for ways to ensure their mental and physical wellbeing. As digital screens take over most of our free time, why not use the same screen as a booster to stress less, sleep more and feel better?

Digital apps in the mental wellness space are proving to be effective tools for individuals and therapists alike. Several Americans have begun meditating to manage stress, reduce anxiety and to cultivate peace of mind. However, there are thousands of studies documenting other less-known mindfulness meditation benefits, which can have a positive impact on mental, physical and emotional health. 

The app stores are full of so-called stress-relief and meditation apps. With over 10,000 apps on play stores, ranging from digital therapeutics to provider listing platforms, the challenge lies in choosing the right one for you.

Meet Headspace, which provides evidence-based meditation and mindfulness tools, mental health coaching, therapy and psychiatry, to help you create life-changing habits to support mental health and find a healthier, happier you. The app with a library of over 500 meditation sessions is currently being used in 200 countries and regions around the world, has touched over 100 million lives with over 70 million downloads.

Using evidence-based interventions and technology and a human-centered approach to care, Headspace supports millions of workers worldwide with accessible and affordable mental health services. More than 4,000 enterprise and health plan clients have partnered with Headspace to provide employees and their dependents access to mindfulness and meditation tools, text-based behavioral health coaching, therapy, psychiatry, and employee assistance program (EAP) services.

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A seasoned freelance journalist, Meenakshi Iyer is traversing various paths in her quest to find mindful living and stay digitally fit.
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