YouTube announces new AI detection tools to protect creators, artists
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Google-owned YouTube on Thursday announced new artificial intelligence (AI) detection tools to protect creators as well as artists, actors, musicians and athletes from having their likeness, including their face and voice, copied and used in other videos.

The company said that it has developed new synthetic-singing identification technology within Content ID that will allow partners to automatically detect and manage AI-generated content on YouTube that simulates their singing voices.

“We’re refining this technology with our partners, with a pilot programme planned for early next year,” said YouTube.

In addition, the company said that it is actively developing new technology that will allow creators, actors, musicians and athletes to detect and manage AI-generated content showing their faces on YouTube.

“We believe AI should enhance human creativity, not replace it. We’re committed to working with our partners to ensure future advancements amplify their voices, and we’ll continue to develop guardrails to address concerns and achieve our common goals,” YouTube said in a blogpost.

As the genAI landscape continues to evolve, creators may want more control over how they collaborate with third-party companies to develop AI tools.

“That’s why we’re developing new ways to give YouTube creators choice over how third parties might use their content on our platform. We’ll have more to share later this year,” the Google-owned company said.

Moreover, to support creators in navigating the company’s policies, they have incorporated safeguards into their AI tools, which aim to prevent their potential misuse.

“This means we may block prompts that violate our policies or touch on sensitive topics. While our primary goal is to empower creativity, we encourage creators to review AI-generated content carefully before publishing it, just as they would do in any other situation,” said YouTube.

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